“ We worked on the short version of the paper that you provided, what an improvement! “
Laboratoire de Physiologie Cellulaire et Végétale, CNRS-UGA-INRA-CEA Grenoble, G. Curien
“ What a lot of work! It's excellent. “
INRS, Nancy, B. Sutter
“ Thank you for the quality of your work. “
Laboratoire Motricité Humaine Education Sport Santé, Inst De Recherche Biomédicale aux Armées., O. Castagna
“ Your input was really useful, thank you. “
Traductrice/Rédactrice, E. Seery
“ Thank you once again a thousand times for your vigilance “
Laboratoire Motricité Humaine Education Sport Santé, Inst De Recherche Biomédicale aux Armées., O. Castagna
“ The paper on which you worked was accepted in Nature Communications, which is an excellent result. “
LETI, CEA, S. Hentz
“ A very big thank you for the rapid translation of my publication project. I really appreciate your comments and in particular your critical reading of the scientific contents of the document. “
INRS, D. Beydon
“ I have just finished reading over it, and once again "thank you!” Your observations/corrections are really relevant and give the text a lot more impact. “
Laboratoire EDyP, BGE UMR_S 1038 Inserm/CEA/UJF , Dr T Burger
“ Thank you for your work, thank you also for having detected the the error that I made in reversing the temperatures!! Well done! “
Laboratoire Motricité Humaine Education Sport Santé, Inst De Recherche Biomédicale aux Armées., O. Castagna
“ You did a huge job! I accepted almost all the modifications. “
UMR1036 (INSERM/CEA/UJF), P. Huber