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    Can’t beat your first love

    It’s February, all the ads on the bus shelters are letting you know that Valentine’s day is coming up, so what better theme to choose to write on than love? What does love have to do with translation and editing scientific content? There are two possible answers to this question: nothing or everything. For me, it’s definitely the latter.

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    2024 review

    In 2009, and for several years after I started offering my services as scientific and technical translator and author’s editor, my annual review reflected a pretty even split between translation and editing. Over the last 15 years, I have trained and listened to feedback from my clients. As a result, I have adapted my services to meet their needs, including with things that they didn’t know they needed! My activity is now much more diversified activity.

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    Introduction - instructions to authors
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    November: the month for writing

    November is the month for writing for some reason. It could be that the nights are drawing in so we spend more time indoors, and writing is definitely a good indoor activity. Alternatively, it might be that the end of the year is approaching, maybe people start taking a look back at resolutions made in January, or September, and realising that action is needed for those plans to be fulfilled. Whatever the case, it’s a great opportunity to look at changing your relationship with writing, and starting to integrate it more regularly into your day-to-day work.

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    Vendredis de la Rédaction 2024

    The Vendredis de la Rédaction – a monthly appointment with your writing whatever your discipline or status – are back again for 2024. The first session of the year will take place on 26 January, sign-up is open (QR code in image).


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    This book will change your life: A Sting in the Tale by Dave Goulson

    Following on from a family science project on our dependence on plastics, and thanks in large part to a school project on bees, I happened upon this book. I just happened to have a morning off in Glasgow where I had time to browse the shelves of a large and well-stocked bookshop, and discovered two books by Dave Goulson on bumblebees. I started with A Sting in the Tale, an autobiographical account of how the author got into bumblebee research, and a few projects in which he has been involved.

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    What's in a Title?

    What's in a title?


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    Is writing yet another gendered issue?

    I read an article in 2020 about the fact that women scientists were publishing less than their male colleagues during the exceptional time that we were living through (1). I didn’t find this information surprising, indeed I remember complaining to a friend at the start of the first lockdown that there was gender bias in which parent would be the first port of call for problems with schoolwork or just dealing with boredom.

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    Writing, building real neural networks can help with productivity

    As you may know, in April 2019 I took the opportunity to attend a writing retreat for academics and facilitator’s course run by Prof. Rowena Murray in Scotland. Since then, despite coming back on a total high and full of ambition, I’ve been trying to convince myself to get out of my comfort zone and put it in practice here in France. It’s an incomparable system for anyone in need of a space and structure to facilitate their writing.