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  • Autumn News

    I’m just back from #METM17, it was my seventh METM, and as usual I’ve come back buzzing with ideas and useful tips for improving how I work and adapting the services on offer to better meet my clients’ needs. Watch this space for new ideas coming soon...

  • World book day, and becoming a multi-national

    Happy World Book Day to all our readers. Reading a lot, and varying what you read is an ideal way to familiarise yourself with different genres and to discover what you like. It is also an enormous help when you need to write, especially for those who have to write in a second language: it increases your vocabulary and helps with learning idiom. I could never have raised my French to its current standard without books.

  • New year, new communication strategy!

    For TWS editing, 2017 will be marked by more regular updates on this web page, and an increase in activity on LinkedIn. This new strategy was developed thanks to highly relevant advice and coaching from Aleksandra Bogdanovic-Guillon (