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There are currently 597 documents in database. Please refine your search using filters below.

  • Photoreceptor-dependent regulation of photoprotection

    Guillaume Allorent, Dimitris Petroutsos

    Current Opinion in Plant Biology | Volume 37, June 2017, Pages 102-108;

  • Translations commercial presentations / Traductions présentations commerciales (2017)

    Groupe GoSport


  • Workplace exposure - Measurement of dustiness of bulk nanomaterials

    Report on the results of pre-normative research



  • Monitoring particle emission for non-road diesel machineries equipped with particulate filters

    D.Bémer, I.Subra

    Journal of Aerosol Science | Volume 113, Pages 153-165,

  • Effect of occupational safety and health education received during schooling on the incidence of workplace injuries in the first 2 years of occupational life: a prospective study

    Stephanie Boini, Regis Colin, Michel Grzebyk

    BMJ Open | 7:e015100

  • Material-specific imaging system using energy-dispersive X-ray diffraction and spatially resolved CdZnTe detectors with potential application in breast imaging

    Damien Barbes, Joachim Tabary, Caroline Paulus, Jean-Louis Hazemann, Loïck Verger

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment | Volume 848, 11 March 2017, Pages 91-98

  • Efficient conversion of alkenes to chlorohydrins by a Ru-based artificial enzyme!divAbstract

    Lopez S, Rondot L, Cavazza C, Iannello M, Boeri-Erba E, Burzlaff N, Strinitz F, Jorge-Robin A, Marchi-Delapierre C, Ménage S

    Chem Commun (Camb). | 53(25):3579-3582. doi: 10.1039/c6cc08873b.

  • 3D imaging of the brain morphology and connectivity defects in a model of psychiatric disorders: MAP6-KO mice.

    Gimenez U, Boulan B, Mauconduit F, Taurel F, Leclercq M, Denarier E, Brocard J, Gory-Fauré S, Andrieux A, Lahrech H, Deloulme JC

    Sci Rep. | 7(1):10308. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-10544-2

  • Taking Multiple Exposure Into Account Can Improve Assessment of Chemical Risks.

    Clerc F, Bertrand NJH, La Rocca B

    Ann Work Expo Health. | 62(1):53-61. doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxx086.

  • Carbon disulfide potentiates the effects of impulse noise on the organ of Corti.

    Carreres Pons M, Chalansonnet M, Venet T, Thomas A, Nunge H, Merlen L, Cosnier F, Llorens J, Campo P

    Neurotoxicology. | 59:79-87. doi: 10.1016/j.neuro.2017.02.003

  • Comparison of the DNA damage response in BEAS-2B and A549 cells exposed to titanium dioxide nanoparticles.

    Biola-Clier M, Beal D, Caillat S, Libert S, Armand L, Herlin-Boime N, Sauvaigo S, Douki T, Carriere M

    Mutagenesis | 32(1):161-172. doi: 10.1093/mutage/gew055.

  • A flower is born: an update on Arabidopsis floral meristem formation.

    Denay G, Chahtane H, Tichtinsky G, Parcy F

    Curr Opin Plant Biol. | 35:15-22. doi: 10.1016/j.pbi.2016.09.003

  • Effect of occupational safety and health education received during schooling on the incidence of workplace injuries in the first 2 years of occupational life: a prospective study.

    Boini S, Colin R, Grzebyk M

    BMJ Open. | 7(7):e015100. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-015100.

  • Infliximab quantitation in human plasma by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry: towards a standardization of the methods?

    Jourdil JF, Lebert D, Gautier-Veyret E, Lemaitre F, Bonaz B, Picard G, Tonini J, Stanke-Labesque F

    Anal Bioanal Chem. | 409(5):1195-1205. doi: 10.1007/s00216-016-0045-4.

  • ChloroKB: A Web Application for the Integration of Knowledge Related to Chloroplast Metabolic Network.

    Gloaguen P, Bournais S, Alban C, Ravanel S, Seigneurin-Berny D, Matringe M, Tardif M, Kuntz M, Ferro M, Bruley C, Rolland N, Vandenbrouck Y, Curien G

    Plant Physiol. | 174(2):922-934. doi: 10.1104/pp.17.00242.

  • Bdf1 Bromodomains Are Essential for Meiosis and the Expression of Meiotic-Specific Genes.

    García-Oliver E, Ramus C, Perot J, Arlotto M, Champleboux M, Mietton F, Battail C, Boland A, Deleuze JF, Ferro M, Couté Y, Govin J

    PLoS Genet. | 13(1):e1006541. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006541

  • Maintenance of Low-Pressure Carburising Furnaces: A Source of PAH Exposure.

    Champmartin C, Jeandel F, Monnier H

    Ann Work Expo Health. | 61(3):321-332. doi: 10.1093/annweh/wxw024

  • Perpendicular magnetic anisotropy at transition metal/oxide interfaces and applications

      B. Dieny and M. Chshiev

      Rev. Mod. Phys. | 89, 025008

    • Grouped Cases of Pulmonary Pneumocystosis After Solid Organ Transplantation: Advantages of Coordination by an Infectious Diseases Unit for Overall Management and Epidemiological Monitoring.

      Wintenberger C, Maubon D, Charpentier E, Rendu J, Pavese P, Augier C, Malvezzi P, Camara B, Mallaret MR, Bouillet L, Epaulard O

      Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol. | 38(2):179-185. doi: 10.1017/ice.2016.274.

    • Modeling of the deep granular bed clogging by nanoparticles

      L. Wingert, N. Bardin-Monnier, A. Charvet, D. Bémer, Dominique Thomas

      Separation and Purification Technology | 176, pp.384 - 394

    • Relationship Between Blood Flow and Performance Recovery: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study

      Borne R, Hausswirth C, Bieuzen F.

      Int J Sports Physiol Perform. | 12(2):152-160. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2015-0779

    • Training in writing scientific articles (Dec 2016) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques (déc 2016)



    • Training in writing scientific articles (Feb 2016) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques (fév 2016)



    • Web content RLBP / Site web RLBP (



    • Editing dossier ANR MALICe / Révision dossier ANR MALICe

      Grenoble Institut des Neurosciences
