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  • Positive contrast high-resolution 3D-cine imaging of the cardiovascular system in small animals using a UTE sequence and iron nanoparticles at 4.7, 7 and 9.4 T.

    Aurélien J. Trotier, William Lefrançois, Kris Van Renterghem, Jean-Michel Franconi, Eric Thiaudière and Sylvain Miraux.

    Journal of Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance | (2015);17:53

  • Bromodomains shake the hegemony of pan-acetyl antibodies.

    Champleboux M, Govin J.

    Proteomics. | (2015);15(9):1457-8.

  • Combining native MS approaches to decipher archaeal box H/ACA ribonucleoprotein particle structure and activity.

    Saliou JM, Manival X, Tillault AS, Atmanene C, Bobo C, Branlant C, Van Dorsselaer A, Charpentier B, Cianférani S.

    Proteomics. | (2015);15(16):2851-61.

  • Computational and Mass-Spectrometry-Based Workflow for the Discovery and Validation of Missing Human Proteins: Application to Chromosomes 2 and 14.

    Carapito C, Lane L, Benama M, Opsomer A, Mouton-Barbosa E, Garrigues L, Gonzalez de Peredo A, Burel A, Bruley C, Gateau A, Bouyssié D, Jaquinod M, Cianferani S, Burlet-Schiltz O, Van Dorsselaer A, Garin J, Vandenbrouck Y.

    J Proteome Res. | (2015);14(9):3621-34.

  • DIGESTIF: a universal quality standard for the control of bottom-up proteomics experiments.

    Lebert D, Louwagie M, Goetze S, Picard G, Ossola R, Duquesne C, Basler K, Ferro M, Rinner O, Aebersold R, Garin J, Mouz N, Brunner E, Brun V.

    J Proteome Res. | (2015);14(2):787-803.

  • Dynamics of an assembly of rigid ice floes.

    Matthias Rabatel, Stéphane Labbé, Jérôme Weiss.

    J. Geophys. Res. | (2015);120(9):5887-909

  • Comparison of between-training-sessions recovery strategies for world-class BMX pilots.

    Marquet LA, Hausswirth C, Hays A, Vettoretti F, Brisswalter J.

    Int J Sports Physiol Perform. | (2015);10(2):219-23.

  • Solvent effects on the stapedial reflex.

    L. Wathier, T. Venet, P. Campo.

    Neurotoxicology and Teratology | (2015); 49: 127

  • A laboratory study of the performance of the handheld diffusion size classifier (DiSCmini) for various aerosols in the 15–400 nm range.

    S. Bau, B. Zimmermann, R. Payet and O. Witschger.

    Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts | (2015) ;17:261-269

  • Lecture à haute voix d'articles scientifiques pour un travailleur malvoyant // Reading aloud of scientific articles for a researcher with a visual impairment


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  • Site web société Synapcell // Web content Synapcell (


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  • Présentations commerciales saisonnières pour GoSport // Seasonal commercial presentations for GoSport


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  • Training in writing scientific articles (Feb 2014) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques (fév 2014)

    Ecole doctorale chimie et sciences du vivant (UGA)


  • Training in writing scientific articles (May 2014) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques (mai 2014)



  • Training in writing scientific articles (Jan 2014) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques (jan 2014)



  • Modeling of variations in nitrogen trichloride concentration over time in swimming pool water.

    F Gerardin, A. Cloteaux, N. Midoux.

    Process Safety and Environmental Protection | (2014);94:452-62.

  • CXCR4-related increase of circulating human lymphoid progenitors after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation.

    Glauzy S, André-Schmutz I, Larghero J, Ezine S, Peffault de Latour R, Moins-Teisserenc H, Servais S, Robin M, Socié G, Clave E, Toubert A.

    PLoS One. | (2014);9(3):e91492.

  • Effect of wearing compression stockings on recovery after mild exercise-induced muscle damage.

    Bieuzen F, Brisswalter J, Easthope C, Vercruyssen F, Bernard T, Hausswirth C.

    Int J Sports Physiol Perform. | (2014);9(2):256-64.

  • Particle dispersion in the near-wake of an isolated rotating wheel: Experimental and CFD study.

    Fabien Gérardin, Caroline Gentric, Noël Midoux.

    Journal of Aerosol Science | (2014);76:56–71

  • Effects of dislocation walls on charge carrier transport properties in CdTe single crystal.

    C. Buis, E. Gros d′Aillon, A. Lohstroh, G. Marrakchi, C. Jeynes, L. Verger.

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment | (2014);735: 188–192

  • HMA1 and PAA1, two chloroplast-envelope PIB-ATPases, play distinct roles in chloroplast copper homeostasis.

    Sylvain Boutigny, Emeline Sautron, Giovanni Finazzi, Corinne Rivasseau, Annie Frelet-Barrand, Marinus Pilon, Norbert Rolland, Daphné Seigneurin-Berny.

    Journal of experimental botany | (2014);65(6):1529-40

  • An integrative computational model for large-scale identification of metalloproteins in microbial genomes: a focus on iron–sulfur cluster proteins.

    Johan Estellon, Sandrine Ollagnier de Choudens, Myriam Smadja, Marc Fontecave and Yves Vandenbrouck.

    Metallomics | (2014);6:1913-1930