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There are currently 597 documents in database. Please refine your search using filters below.

  • Comparing performances of a CdTe X-ray spectroscopic detector and an X-ray dual-energy sandwich detector

    A Gorecki, A Brambilla, V Moulin, E Gaborieau, P Radisson and L Verger

    Journal of Instrumentation, | (2013);8:P11011

  • Monitoring monoclonal antibody delivery in oncology: the example of bevacizumab.

    Nugue G, Bidart M, Arlotto M, Mousseau M, Berger F, Pelletier L.

    PLoS One. | (2013);8(8):e72021.

  • Natural Killer Cell Function, an Important Target for Infection and Tumor Protection, Is Impaired in Type 2 Diabetes.

    Jeannig Berrou, Sophie Fougeray, Marion Venot, Victor Chardiny, Jean-François Gautier, Nicolas Dulphy, Antoine Toubert, and Marie-Noëlle Peraldi.

    PLoS One. | (2013);8(4):e62418

  • A multi-energy X-ray backscatter system for explosives detection.

    C Paulus, J Tabary, N Billon Pierron, J -M Dinten, E Fabiani, F Mathy, F Mougel, J Rinkel and L Verger.

    Journal of Instrumentation. | (2013);8(04):P04003

  • Effects of Dislocation Walls on Image Quality When Using Cadmium Telluride X-Ray Detectors.

    Buis, C., Marrakchi, G.; Lafford, T.A.; Brambilla, A.; Verger, L.; Gros d'Aillon, E.

    Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions | (2013);60(1):199 - 203

  • Chemical exposure and hearing loss.

    Campo P, Morata TC, Hong O.

    Dis Mon. | (2013);59(4):119-38.

  • Influence of Swimming Pool Design on Hydraulic Behavior: A Numerical and Experimental Study.

    Anaëlle Cloteaux, Fabien Gérardin, Noël Midoux.

    Engineering | (2013);5:511-524

  • Generation of Actinomycetes Aerosols Containing Spores and Mycelium: Performances of a Liquid Bubbling Aerosolizer.

    X. Simon, L. Betelli, V. Koehler, C. Coulais & P. Duquenne.

    Aerosol Science and Technology | (2013);47:158-168

  • Photocatalytic Conversion of Gaseous Nitrogen Trichloride into Available Chlorine-Experimental and Modeling Study.

    Fabien Gerardin, Anaëlle Cloteaux, Marianne Guillemot, Marie Faure, Jean-Claude André.

    Environ Sci Technol. | (2013);47(9):4628-35.

  • Biomarkers of toluene exposure in rats: mercapturic acids versus traditional indicators (urinary hippuric acid and o-cresol and blood toluene).

    Cosnier F, Cossec B, Burgart M, Nunge H, Brochard C, Décret MJ, Rémy A.

    Xenobiotica. | (2013);43(8):651-60.

  • At diagnosis, diffuse large B-cell lymphoma patients show impaired rituximab-mediated NK-cell cytotoxicity.

    Danielou-Lazareth A, Henry G, Geromin D, Khaznadar Z, Briere J, Tamouza R, Cayuela JM, Thieblemont C, Toubert A, Dulphy N.

    Eur J Immunol. | (2013);43(5):1383-8.

  • Neuromuscular factors associated with decline in long-distance running performance in master athletes.

    Brisswalter J, Nosaka K.

    Sports Med. | (2013);43(1):51-63.

  • Aerosolisation of Escherichia coli and associated endotoxin using an improved bubbling bioaerosol generator

    Xavier Simon, Philippe Duquenne, Véronique Koehler, Cécile Piernot, Catherine Coulais, Marie Faure

    J Aerosol Science | (2013);42(8):517-531

  • Study of the potential oxidative stress induced by six solvents in the rat brain

    Chalansonnet M, Carabin N, Boucard S, Cosnier F, Nunge H, Gagnaire F.

    Neurotoxicology. | (2013);35:71-83

  • Inhaled toluene can modulate the effects of anesthetics on the middle-ear acoustic reflex.

    Campo P, Venet T, Thomas A, Cour C, Castel B, Nunge H, Cosnier F.

    Neurotoxicol Teratol. | (2013);35:1-6.

  • Hereditary angioedema in women: specific challenges.

    Bouillet L, Gompel A.

    Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. | (2013);33(4):505-11.

  • Unbalanced expression of CK2 kinase subunits is sufficient to drive epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition by Snail1 induction.

    Deshiere A, Duchemin-Pelletier E, Spreux E, Ciais D, Combes F, Vandenbrouck Y, Couté Y, Mikaelian I, Giusiano S, Charpin C, Cochet C, Filhol O.

    Oncogene. | (2013);32(11):1373-83.

  • How caregivers view patient comfort and what they do to improve it: a French survey.

    Lombardo V, Vinatier I, Baillot ML, Franja V, Bourgeon-Ghittori I, Dray S, Jeune S, Mossadegh C, Reignier J, Souweine B, Roch A; Société de Réanimation de Langue Française (SRLF).

    Ann Intensive Care. | (2013);3(1):19.

  • Study of clogging and cleaning cycles of a pleated cartridge filter used in a thermal spraying process to filter ultrafine particles.

    Denis Bémer, Roland Régnier, Yves Morele, Florence Grippari, Jean-Christophe Appert-Collin, Dominique Thomas.

    Powder Technology | (2013);234:1–6

  • [RhIII(dmbpy)2Cl2]+ as a highly efficient catalyst for visible-light-driven hydrogen production in pure water: comparison with other rhodium catalysts

    T. Stoll, M. Gennari, I. Serrano, J. Fortage, J. Chauvin, F. Odobel, M. Rebarz, O. Poizat, M. Sliwa, A. Deronzier, M.N. Collomb.

    Chemistry - A European Journal. | (2013);19:782 - 792.

  • Membrane signaling induced by high doses of ionizing radiation in the endothelial compartment. Relevance in radiation toxicity.

    Corre I, Guillonneau M, Paris F.

    Int J Mol Sci. | (2013);14(11):22678-96.

  • Subcellular Distribution and Dynamics of Active Proteasome Complexes Unraveled by a Workflow Combining in Vivo Complex Cross-Linking and Quantitative Proteomics.

    Bertrand Fabre, Thomas Lambour, Julien Delobel, François Amalric, Bernard Monsarrat, Odile Burlet-Schiltz, and Marie-Pierre Bousquet-Dubouch.

    Mol Cell Proteomics. | (2013);12(3):687–699.

  • Developing a new simplified method to determine diffusive uptake rates of volatile organic compounds in workplaces based on a fractional factorial designs approach.

    Estève W, Lhuillier F, Ravera C, Grzebyck M, Langlois E.

    J Occup Environ Hyg. | (2013);10(9):505-18.

  • Mass transfer coefficient values for the linear driving force model of VOC adsorption on activated carbons.

    Romain Chauveau, Georges Grévillot, Stéphanie Marsteau, Cécile Vallières.

    Chemical Engineering Research and Design | (2013) 91(5):955–962

  • Development and characterization of a 3D GaAs X-ray detector for medical imaging.

    Eric Gros d’Aillon, Marie-Laure Avenel, Daniel Farcage, Loïck Verger.

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment | (2013) 727:126–130