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There are currently 597 documents in database. Please refine your search using filters below.

  • Documentation of bioaerosol concentrations in an indoor composting facility in France.

    Duquenne P, Simon X, Koehler V, Goncalves-Machado S, Greff G, Nicot T, Poirot P.

    J Environ Monit. | (2012);14(2):409-19

  • HLA-A(*)0201(+) plasmacytoid dendritic cells provide a cell-based immunotherapy for melanoma patients.

    Aspord C, Leccia MT, Salameire D, Laurin D, Chaperot L, Charles J, Plumas J

    J Invest Dermatol. | (2012);132(10):2395-406.

  • Mass spectrometry-based absolute protein quantification: PSAQ™ strategy makes use of "noncanonical" proteotypic peptides.

    Jaquinod M, Trauchessec M, Huillet C, Louwagie M, Lebert D, Picard G, Adrait A, Dupuis A, Garin J, Brun V, Bruley C.

    Proteomics. | (2012);12(8):1217-21.

  • Introducing AAA-MS, a rapid and sensitive method for amino acid analysis using isotope dilution and high-resolution mass spectrometry.

    Louwagie M, Kieffer-Jaquinod S, Dupierris V, Couté Y, Bruley C, Garin J, Dupuis A, Jaquinod M, Brun V.

    J Proteome Res. | (2012);11(7):3929-36.

  • Accurate quantification of cardiovascular biomarkers in serum using Protein Standard Absolute Quantification (PSAQ™) and selected reaction monitoring.

    Huillet C, Adrait A, Lebert D, Picard G, Trauchessec M, Louwagie M, Dupuis A, Hittinger L, Ghaleh B, Le Corvoisier P, Jaquinod M, Garin J, Bruley C, Brun V.

    Mol Cell Proteomics. | (2012);11(2):M111.008235.

  • New software to model energy dispersive X-ray diffraction in polycrystalline materials

    Ghammraoui, B.; Tabary, J.; Pouget, S.; Paulus, C.; Moulin, V.; Verger, L.; Duvauchelle, Ph.

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A. | (2012); 664(1):324-31.

  • Determination of the real effect of genes identified in GWAS: the example of IL2RA in multiple sclerosis

    Marie-Claude Babron, Hervé Perdry, Adam E Handel, Sreeram V Ramagopalan, Vincent Damotte, Bertrand Fontaine, Bertram Müller-Myhsok, George C Ebers, and Françoise Clerget-Darpoux

    Eur J Hum Genet. | (2012); 20(3): 321–325

  • The allelopathic effects of Festuca paniculata depend on competition in subalpine grasslands.

    Flore Viard-Crétat, Florence Baptist, Hanna Secher-Fromell, Christiane Gallet.

    Plant Ecol | (2012) 213:1963–1973

  • Reduction of occupational exposure to dust during cathode ray tube screen dismantling

    M. Leclerc, Yves Moréle, François-Xavier Keller.

    Conference: Ventilation 2012, Paris | 37

  • Lecture à haute voix d'articles scientifiques pour un travailleur malvoyant // Reading aloud of scientific articles for a researcher with a visual impairment


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  • Transcription pour sous-titrage de vidéos de conférences biomédicales. // Transcription for sub-titling of videos of biomedical conferences.


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  • Appels à projets post doc Labex MemoLife // Calls for applications for post-doctoral positions for the MemoLife Labex (ENS, Paris)


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  • Livret d’accueil pour chercheurs étrangers // Handbook for foreign scientists (ENS Paris)


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  • Rapport Labex MemoLife // Report on the MemoLife Labex (ENS, Paris)


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  • WADA application Development of a PSAQ-SRM assay to detect and quantify growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Virginie Brun (EDyP, UMR_S 1038 Inserm/CEA/UJF)


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  • Nithiolate ANR project (UJF/INSERM/CNRS/CEA)


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  • Site web Santécrea // Web content Santécrea


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  • 3D TrueFISP MRI Provides Accurate Longitudinal Measurements of Glioma Volumes in Mice

    Emeline Julie Ribot, Line Pourtau, Philippe Massot, Pierre Voisin, Eric Thiaudiere, Jean- Michel Franconi and Sylvain Miraux

    Advances in the Biology, Imaging and Therapies for Glioblastoma | Ed. Clark C. Chen

  • A hybrid model to study pathological mutations of the human ADP/ATP carriers.

    Thomas A, Rey M, Aubry L, Pelosi L.

    Biochimie. | (2011);93(9):1415-23.

  • Production and use of stable isotope-labeled proteins for absolute quantitative proteomics.

    Lebert D, Dupuis A, Garin J, Bruley C, Brun V.

    Methods Mol Biol. | (2011);753:93-115.

  • Heterologous expression of membrane proteins: choosing the appropriate host

    Bernaudat F, Frelet-Barrand A, Pochon N, Dementin S, Hivin P, Boutigny S, Rioux JB, Salvi D, Seigneurin-Berny D, Richaud P, Joyard J, Pignol D, Sabaty M, Desnos T, Pebay-Peyroula E, Darrouzet E, Vernet T, Rolland N.

    PLoS One | (2011);6(12):e29191

  • Multidimensional Data Processing Methods for Material Discrimination Using an Ideal X-Ray Spectrometric Photon Counting Detector

    G. Beldjoudi; V. Rebuffel; L. Verger; V. Kaftandjian; J. Rinkel

    IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science | (2011);58(6):3190-203

  • Ab initio study of hydrogen related defect in ZrO2: Consequences on dry and aqueous oxidation.


    Journal of nuclear materials. | (2011);416(3):362-368

  • RhoA GTPase regulates radiation-induced alterations in endothelial cell adhesion and migration.

    Rousseau M, Gaugler MH, Rodallec A, Bonnaud S, Paris F, Corre I.

    Biochem Biophys Res Commun. | (2011);414(4):750-5

  • Optimization of a parallel hole collimator/CdZnTe gamma-camera architecture for scintimammography.

    Robert C, Montémont G, Rebuffel V, Verger L, Buvat I.

    Med Phys. | (2011);38(4):1806-19.