Transcription pour sous-titrage d’une vidéo de présentation d’un projet scientifique // Transcription for sub-titling of a video presenting a scientific project. (ISTerre, Eric Larose)
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There are currently 619 documents in database. Please refine your search using filters below.
Transcription pour sous-titrage d’une vidéo de présentation d’un projet scientifique // Transcription for sub-titling of a video presenting a scientific project. (ISTerre, Eric Larose)
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Site web société PDCLinePharma // Web content PDCLinePharma (
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Site web société Synthelis // Web content Synthelis (
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Site web Département de Physique ENS Paris // Web content Physics Department ENS Paris (
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Appels à projets de recherche Labex MemoLife // Calls for research proposals for the MemoLife Labex (ENS, Paris)
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IMBG 2015 (Organisateurs : Catherine Belle, Carole Duboc, Serge Gambarelli, Fabrice Thomas, Sandrine Ollagnier de Choudens, Vincent Artero)
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Projet départemental // Departmental project (ENS, Paris)
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Série de 8 documents techniques sur les désinfectants et les risques associés // Series of 8 technical documents on disinfectants and related risks (INRS, Paris)
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"Atlas of Peripheral Retinal Pathology and Retinal Detachment" (Dr. Daniel Baron, Polyclinique de l’Atlantique, Nantes)
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“Nutrition and Performance in Sport - Science at the Tip of the Fork.” (Ed. Christophe Hausswirth, INSEP)
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Pre-proposal ANR METOMYXA Molecular mechanisms involved in the accumulation of toxic metals by the microalga Coccomyxa actinabiotis. Corinne Rivasseau (UMR 5168 CEA/CNRS/UNIVERSITÉ DE GRENOBLE – USC 1359 INRA)
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ERC Young Researcher application (2014) Giuseppe Sicoli (Inac, Scib, E3 CEA/UJF)
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ERC Starting Grant application (2014) Jérôme Govin (EDyP, UMR_S 1038 Inserm/CEA/UJF)
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Institut de Recherche en Santé Publique (IRESP) dossier « Primary prevention of exposure to nanomaterials: Study of how the health determinants of an emerging risk are affected by ergonomic intervention on working activity” (INRS)
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AERES dossier for iRTSV (CNRS/Inserm/CEA/UJF)
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Training in writing scientific articles (Jan 2013) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques (jan 2013)
Training in writing scientific articles through English (Nov 2013) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques en anglais (nov 2013)
Training in writing scientific articles (Feb 2013) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques (fév 2013)
Auto-antibodies to vascular endothelial cadherin in humans: association with autoimmune diseases.
Lab Invest. | (2013);93(11):1194-202.
Comparing performances of a CdTe X-ray spectroscopic detector and an X-ray dual-energy sandwich detector
Journal of Instrumentation, | (2013);8:P11011
Monitoring monoclonal antibody delivery in oncology: the example of bevacizumab.
PLoS One. | (2013);8(8):e72021.
Natural Killer Cell Function, an Important Target for Infection and Tumor Protection, Is Impaired in Type 2 Diabetes.
PLoS One. | (2013);8(4):e62418
A multi-energy X-ray backscatter system for explosives detection.
Journal of Instrumentation. | (2013);8(04):P04003
Effects of Dislocation Walls on Image Quality When Using Cadmium Telluride X-Ray Detectors.
Nuclear Science, IEEE Transactions | (2013);60(1):199 - 203