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There are currently 597 documents in database. Please refine your search using filters below.

  • Uranium perturbs signaling and iron uptake response in Arabidopsis thaliana roots.

    Fany Doustaly, Florence Combes, Julie B Fiévet, Serge Berthet, Véronique Hugouvieux, Olivier Bastien, Iker Aranjuelo, Nathalie Leonhardt, Corinne Rivasseau, Marie Carrière, Alain Vavasseur, Jean-Pierre Renou, Yves Vandenbrouck, Jacques Bourguignon.

    METALLOMICS | (2014);6 (4):809-21

  • Assessment of Workers’ Exposure to Bioaerosols in a French Cheese Factory

    Xavier Simon and Philippe Duquenne.

    Ann Occup Hyg | (2014);58(6):677-692.

  • Analysis of NUAK1 and NUAK2 expression during early chick development reveals specific patterns in the developing head.

    Bekri A, Billaud M, Thélu J

    Int J Dev Biol. | (2014);58(5):379-84.

  • Manufactured nano-objects: an occupational survey in five industries in France.

    Honnert B, Grzebyk M.

    Ann Occup Hyg. | (2014);58(1):121-35.

  • One-day measurement to assess the auditory risks encountered by noise-exposed workers.

    Venet T, Campo P, Rumeau C, Thomas A, Parietti-Winkler C.

    Int J Audiol. | (2014);53(10):737-44.

  • Three conserved histidine residues contribute to mitochondrial iron transport through mitoferrins.

    Brazzolotto X, Pierrel F, Pelosi L.

    Biochem J. | (2014);460(1):79-89.

  • Neuropharmacological and cochleotoxic effects of styrene. Consequences on noise exposures.

    Campo P, Venet T, Thomas A, Cour C, Brochard C, Cosnier F.

    Neurotoxicol Teratol. | (2014);44:113-20.

  • Impact of coexposure on toluene biomarkers in rats.

    Cosnier F, Nunge H, Brochard C, Burgart M, Rémy A, Décret MJ, Cossec B, Campo P.

    Xenobiotica. | (2014);44(3):217-28.

  • Acute myeloid leukemia impairs natural killer cells through the formation of a deficient cytotoxic immunological synapse.

    Khaznadar Z, Henry G, Setterblad N, Agaugue S, Raffoux E, Boissel N, Dombret H, Toubert A, Dulphy N.

    Eur J Immunol. | (2014);44(10):3068-80.

  • pDCs efficiently process synthetic long peptides to induce functional virus- and tumour-specific T-cell responses.

    Aspord C, Leloup C, Reche S, Plumas J

    Eur J Immunol. | (2014);44(10):2880-92.

  • Olfactory mucosal necrosis in rats following acute intraperitoneal administration of 1,2-diethylbenzene, 1,2-diacetylbenzene and 2,5-hexanedione.

    Gagnaire F, Boucard S.

    Neurotoxicology. | (2014);41:9-19.

  • Positive effect of specific low-frequency electrical stimulation during short-term recovery on subsequent high-intensity exercise.

    Bieuzen F, Borne R, Toussaint JF, Hausswirth C.

    Appl Physiol Nutr Metab. | (2014);39(2):202-10.

  • Melanoma hijacks plasmacytoid dendritic cells to promote its own progression.

    Aspord C, Leccia MT, Charles J, Plumas J

    Oncoimmunology. | (2014);3(1):e27402.

  • Percutaneous absorption of herbicides derived from 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacid: structure-activity relationship.

    Beydon D, Payan JP, Ferrari E, Grandclaude MC.

    Toxicol In Vitro. | (2014);28(5):1066-74.

  • Downstream particle puffs emitted during pulse-jet cleaning of a baghouse wood dust collector: Influence of operating conditions and filter surface treatment.

    Xavier Simon, Denis Bémer, Sandrine Chazelet, Dominique Thomas.

    Powder Technology. | (2014);261:61–70

  • Fixed bed photocatalytic reactor for formaldehyde degradation Experimental and modeling study.

    A. Cloteaux, F. Gérardin, D. Thomas, N. Midoux, J.-C. André.

    Chemical Engineering Journal | (2014);249:121–129

  • Imaging and histological characterization of a human brain xenograft in pig: the first induced glioma model in a large animal.

    Selek L, Seigneuret E, Nugue G, Wion D, Nissou MF, Salon C, Seurin MJ, Carozzo C, Ponce F, Roger T, Berger F.

    J Neurosci Methods. | (2014);221:159-65.

  • Tranexamic acid as maintenance treatment for non-histaminergic angioedema: analysis of efficacy and safety in 37 patients.

    Wintenberger C, Boccon-Gibod I, Launay D, Fain O, Kanny G, Jeandel PY, Martin L, Gompel A, Bouillet L.

    Clin Exp Immunol. | (2014);178(1):112-7.

  • Contribution of CD39 to the immunosuppressive microenvironment of acute myeloid leukaemia at diagnosis.

    Dulphy N, Henry G, Hemon P, Khaznadar Z, Dombret H, Boissel N, Bensussan A, Toubert A.

    Br J Haematol. | (2014);165(5):722-5.

  • Determining the effective density of airborne nanoparticles using multiple charging correction in a tandem DMA/ELPI setup.

    Sébastien Bau, Denis Bémer, Florence Grippari, Jean-Christophe Appert-Collin, Dominique Thomas.

    Journal of Nanoparticle Research | (2014);16:2629

  • Characterizing the effective density and primary particle diameter of airborne nanoparticles produced by spark discharge using mobility and mass measurements (tandem DMA/APM)

    Augustin Charvet, Sébastien Bau, Natalia Estefania Paez Coy, Denis Bémer, Dominique Thomas.

    Journal of Nanoparticle Research | (2014);16:2418

  • Repairing uniform experimental designs: Detection and/or elimination of clusters, filling gaps

    A. Beal, J. Santiago, M. Claeys-Bruno, M. Sergent.

    Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | (2014);134:140–147

  • Imiquimod inhibits melanoma development by promoting pDC cytotoxic functions and impeding tumor vascularization.

    Aspord C, Tramcourt L, Leloup C, Molens JP, Leccia MT, Charles J, Plumas J

    J Invest Dermatol. | (2014);134(10):2551-61.

  • Constructing space-filling designs using an adaptive WSP algorithm for spaces with constraints

    A. Beal, M. Claeys-Bruno, M. Sergent

    Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | (2014);133:84-91

  • Mass spectrometry-based workflow for accurate quantification of E. coli enzymes: how proteomics can play a key role in metabolic engineering.

    Mathieu Trauchessec, Michel Jaquinod, Aline Bonvalot, Virginie Brun, Christophe Bruley, Delphine Ropers, Hidde De Jong, Jerome Garin, Gwenaelle Bestel-Corre, Myriam Ferro.

    Mol Cell Proteomics | (2014);13(4):954-968.