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There are currently 597 documents in database. Please refine your search using filters below.

  • Lecture à haute voix d'articles scientifiques pour un travailleur malvoyant // Reading aloud of scientific articles for a researcher with a visual impairment


    none | none

  • Airmon 2014 Marseille (Organisateurs : INRS)


    none | none

  • NS 302 « Aborder la norme NF EN ISO 13849-1 via la conception d'une fonction de sécurité basique » // "Applying standard NF EN ISO 13849-1 through the design of a basic safety function" (INRS, Nancy)


    none | none

  • Institut Universitaire de France application for Ludovic Pelosi (UJF)


    none | none

  • Training in writing scientific articles (Nov 2012) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques (nov 2012)

    Ecole doctorale chimie et sciences du vivant (UGA)


  • Oligomeric status and nucleotide binding properties of the plastid ATP/ADP transporter 1: toward a molecular understanding of the transport mechanism.

    Deniaud A, Panwar P, Frelet-Barrand A, Bernaudat F, Juillan-Binard C, Ebel C, Rolland N, Pebay-Peyroula E.

    PLoS One. | (2012);7(3):e32325.

  • Functional DNA repair signature of cancer cell lines exposed to a set of cytotoxic anticancer drugs using a multiplexed enzymatic repair assay on biochip.

    Forestier A, Sarrazy F, Caillat S, Vandenbrouck Y, Sauvaigo S.

    PLoS One. | (2012);7(12):e51754.

  • DSIR: Assessing the Design of Highly Potent siRNA by Testing a Set of Cancer-Relevant Target Genes.

    Odile Filhol, Delphine Ciais, Christian Lajaunie, Peggy Charbonnier, Nicolas Foveau, Jean-Philippe Vert, and Yves Vandenbrouck.

    PLoS One. | (2012);7(10): e48057

  • Effect of grain size on stability of X-ray diffraction patterns used for threat detection

    B. Ghammraoui, V. Rebuffel, J. Tabary, C. Paulus, L. Verger, Ph. Duvauchelle.

    Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A | (2012);683:1–7

  • Statistical study of the Critical Pitting Temperature of 22-05 Duplex Stainless Steel

    L. Peguet, A. Gaugain, C. Dussart, B. Malki, B. Baroux

    Corrosion Science | (2012);60:280–283

  • Plasmacytoid dendritic cells induce efficient stimulation of antiviral immunity in the context of chronic hepatitis B virus infection.

    Martinet J, Leroy V, Dufeu-Duchesne T, Larrat S, Richard MJ, Zoulim F, Plumas J, Aspord C.

    Hepatology. | (2012);56(5):1706-18.

  • Exploring the conformational dynamics of the bovine ADP/ATP carrier in mitochondria.

    Rey M, Forest E, Pelosi L.

    Biochemistry. | (2012);51(48):9727-35.

  • PSAQ™ standards for accurate MS-based quantification of proteins: from the concept to biomedical applications.

    Picard G, Lebert D, Louwagie M, Adrait A, Huillet C, Vandenesch F, Bruley C, Garin J, Jaquinod M, Brun V.

    J Mass Spectrom. | (2012);47(10):1353-63.

  • The biosynthetic capacities of the plastids and integration between cytoplasmic and chloroplast processes.

    Rolland N, Curien G, Finazzi G, Kuntz M, Maréchal E, Matringe M, Ravanel S, Seigneurin-Berny D.

    Annu Rev Genet. | (2012);46:233-64.

  • Numerical analysis of the galvanic coupling in the shadow corrosion of zirconium alloy.

    Buttin, P.; Malki, B.; Barberis, P.; Baroux, B.

    Journal of Nuclear Materials | (2012);420(1):591-596.

  • Mercapturic acids derived from toluene in rat urine samples: identification and measurement by gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.

    Cosnier F, Brochard C, Burgart M, Cossec B.

    Anal Bioanal Chem. | (2012);404(6-7):1907-17.

  • Postexercise cooling interventions and the effects on exercise-induced heat stress in a temperate environment

    Christophe Hausswirth, Rob Duffield, Hervé Pournot, François Bieuzen, Julien Louis, Jeanick Brisswalter, Olivier Castagna

    Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism | (2012);37(5): 965-975

  • Simultaneous determination of aromatic acid metabolites of styrene and styrene-oxide in rat urine by gas chromatography-flame ionization detection.

    Cosnier F, Nunge H, Cossec B, Gaté L.

    J Anal Toxicol. | (2012);36(5):312-8.

  • Visible-Light-Driven Generation of High-Valent Oxo-Bridged Dinuclear and Tetranuclear Manganese Terpyridine Entities Linked to Photoactive Ruthenium Units of Relevance to Photosystem II.

    Carmen E. Castillo, Sophie Romain, Marius Retegan, Jean-Claude Leprêtre, Jérôme Chauvin, Carole Duboc, Jérôme Fortage, Alain Deronzier and Marie-Noëlle Collomb.

    Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. | (2012);33:5485–5499

  • Lung cancer and DNA repair genes: multilevel association analysis from the International Lung Cancer Consortium.

    Kazma R, Babron MC, Gaborieau V, Génin E, Brennan P, Hung RJ, McLaughlin JR, Krokan HE, Elvestad MB, Skorpen F, Anderssen E, Vooder T, Välk K, Metspalu A, Field JK, Lathrop M, Sarasin A, Benhamou S; ILCCO consortium.

    Carcinogenesis. | (2012);33(5):1059-64.

  • Identification of contact and respiratory sensitizers according to IL-4 receptor α expression and IL-2 production.

    Goutet M, Pépin E, Langonné I, Huguet N, Ban M.

    Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. | (2012);260(2):95-104

  • Effect of submicron and nano-iron oxide particles on pulmonary immunity in mice

    Ban M, Langonné I, Huguet N, Goutet M

    Toxicol Lett. | (2012);210(3):267-75

  • Survey of caregiver opinions on the practicalities of family-centred care in intensive care units.

    Soury-Lavergne A, Hauchard I, Dray S, Baillot ML, Bertholet E, Clabault K, Jeune S, Ledroit C, Lelias I, Lombardo V, Maetens Y, Meziani F, Reignier J, Souweine B, Tabah A, Barrau K, Roch A; Société de Réanimation de Langue Française (SRLF)

    J Clin Nurs. | (2012);21(7-8):1060-7

  • Evaluating three direct-reading instruments based on diffusion charging to measure surface area concentrations in polydisperse nanoaerosols in molecular and transition regimes.

    S. Bau , O. Witschger, F. Gensdarmes, D. Thomas.

    Journal of Nanoparticle Research | (2012);14:1217

  • EchoScan: a new system to objectively assess peripheral hearing disorders

    Venet T, Campo P, Rumeau C, Eluecque H, Parietti-Winkler C.

    Noise Health. | (2012);14(60):253-9