Chemical exposure and hearing loss.
Dis Mon. | (2013);59(4):119-38.
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Chemical exposure and hearing loss.
Dis Mon. | (2013);59(4):119-38.
Influence of Swimming Pool Design on Hydraulic Behavior: A Numerical and Experimental Study.
Engineering | (2013);5:511-524
Aerosol Science and Technology | (2013);47:158-168
Environ Sci Technol. | (2013);47(9):4628-35.
Biomarkers of toluene exposure in rats: mercapturic acids versus traditional indicators (urinary hippuric acid and o-cresol and blood toluene).
Xenobiotica. | (2013);43(8):651-60.
Eur J Immunol. | (2013);43(5):1383-8.
Neuromuscular factors associated with decline in long-distance running performance in master athletes.
Sports Med. | (2013);43(1):51-63.
J Aerosol Science | (2013);42(8):517-531
Study of the potential oxidative stress induced by six solvents in the rat brain
Neurotoxicology. | (2013);35:71-83
Inhaled toluene can modulate the effects of anesthetics on the middle-ear acoustic reflex.
Neurotoxicol Teratol. | (2013);35:1-6.
Immunol Allergy Clin North Am. | (2013);33(4):505-11.
Unbalanced expression of CK2 kinase subunits is sufficient to drive epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition by Snail1 induction.
Oncogene. | (2013);32(11):1373-83.
How caregivers view patient comfort and what they do to improve it: a French survey.
Ann Intensive Care. | (2013);3(1):19.
Study of clogging and cleaning cycles of a pleated cartridge filter used in a thermal spraying process to filter ultrafine particles.
Powder Technology | (2013);234:1–6
[RhIII(dmbpy)2Cl2]+ as a highly efficient catalyst for visible-light-driven hydrogen production in pure water: comparison with other rhodium catalysts
Chemistry - A European Journal. | (2013);19:782 - 792.
Membrane signaling induced by high doses of ionizing radiation in the endothelial compartment. Relevance in radiation toxicity.
Int J Mol Sci. | (2013);14(11):22678-96.
Mol Cell Proteomics. | (2013);12(3):687–699.
J Occup Environ Hyg. | (2013);10(9):505-18.
Mass transfer coefficient values for the linear driving force model of VOC adsorption on activated carbons.
Chemical Engineering Research and Design | (2013) 91(5):955–962
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment | (2013) 727:126–130
Lecture à haute voix d'articles scientifiques pour un travailleur malvoyant // Reading aloud of scientific articles for a researcher with a visual impairment
none | none
Airmon 2014 Marseille (Organisateurs : INRS)
none | none
NS 302 « Aborder la norme NF EN ISO 13849-1 via la conception d'une fonction de sécurité basique » // "Applying standard NF EN ISO 13849-1 through the design of a basic safety function" (INRS, Nancy)
none | none
Institut Universitaire de France application for Ludovic Pelosi (UJF)
none | none
Training in writing scientific articles (Nov 2012) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques (nov 2012)