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There are currently 597 documents in database. Please refine your search using filters below.

  • Association of TALS developmental disorder with defect in minor splicing component U4atac snRNA.

    Edery P, Marcaillou C, Sahbatou M, Labalme A, Chastang J, Touraine R, Tubacher E, Senni F, Bober MB, Nampoothiri S, Jouk PS, Steichen E, Berland S, Toutain A, Wise CA, Sanlaville D, Rousseau F, Clerget-Darpoux F, Leutenegger AL.

    Science. | (2011);332(6026):240-3.

  • Yeast ADP/ATP carrier isoform 2: conformational dynamics and role of the RRRMMM signature sequence methionines.

    Clémençon B, Rey M, Trézéguet V, Forest E, Pelosi L.

    J Biol Chem. | (2011);286(41):36119-31.

  • 4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase catalysis: identification of catalytic residues and production of a hydroxylated intermediate shared with a structurally unrelated enzyme.

    Raspail C, Graindorge M, Moreau Y, Crouzy S, Lefèbvre B, Robin AY, Dumas R, Matringe M.

    J Biol Chem. | (2011);286(29):26061-70

  • Impact of noise or styrene exposure on the kinetics of presbycusis.

    Pierre Campo, Thomas Venet, Cécile Rumeau, Aurélie Thomas, Benoît Rieger, Chantal Cour, Frédéric Cosnier, Cécile Parietti-Winkler.

    Hear Res. | (2011);280(1-2):122-32.

  • Biosensor for direct cell detection, quantification and analysis.

    Cortès S, Villiers CL, Colpo P, Couderc R, Brakha C, Rossi F, Marche PN, Villiers MB.

    Biosens Bioelectron. | (2011);26(10):4162-8

  • Long-term outcome in medical patients aged 80 or over following admission to an intensive care unit

    Roch A, Wiramus S, Pauly V, Forel J-M, Guervilly C, Gainnier M, Papazian L.

    Critical Care | (2011);15:R36.

  • A Triple Spin-Labeling Strategy Coupled with DEER Analysis to Detect DNA Modifications and Enzymatic Repair

    Mélanie Flaender, Giuseppe Sicoli, Samia Aci-Seche, Thomas Reignier, Vincent Maurel, Christine Saint-Pierre, Yves Boulard, Serge Gambarelli and Didier Gasparutto

    ChemBioChem | (2011);12(17):2560-3

  • Neuronal circuits involved in the middle-ear acoustic reflex.

    Venet T, Rumeau C, Campo P, Rieger B, Thomas A, Cour C.

    Toxicol Sci. | (2011);119(1):146-55.

  • In vivo and ex vivo percutaneous absorption of [(14)C]-bisphenol A in rats: a possible extrapolation to human absorption?

    Marquet F, Payan JP, Beydon D, Wathier L, Grandclaude MC, Ferrari E.

    Arch Toxicol. | (2011) 85(9):1035-43.

  • Protocadherin-12 cleavage is a regulated process mediated by ADAM-10. Evidence of shedding upregulation in preeclampsia.

    Bouillot S, Tillet E, Carmona G, Prandini MH, Gauchez AS, Hoffmann P, Alfaidy N, Cand F, Huber P.

    J Biol Chem. | (2011) 286(17):15195-204.

  • Toluene effect on the olivocochlear reflex.

    Rumeau C, Campo P, Venet T, Thomas A, Cour C, Parietti-Winkler C.

    Toxicol Sci. | (2011) ;121(1):140-5.

  • Lecture à haute voix d'articles scientifiques pour un travailleur malvoyant // Reading aloud of scientific articles for a researcher with a visual impairment


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  • ANR project DHmanu. Jonathan SAVIN (INRS, Nancy)


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  • ANR project Development and transfer of PSAQ, a proteomics analysis method. Virginie Brun (EDyP, UMR_S 1038 Inserm/CEA/UJF)


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  • Dossier for the ARCANE labex (UJF/INSERM/CNRS/CEA)


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    F. Clerget-Darpoux and A. Cambon-Thomsen |

  • Characterization and role of intra-hepatic regulatory T cells in chronic hepatitis C pathogenesis.

    Sturm N, Thélu MA, Camous X, Dimitrov G, Ramzan M, Dufeu-Duchesne T, Bonorino P, Guillermet C, Brambilla E, Arvers P, Pernollet M, Leroy V, Zarski JP, Marche PN, Jouvin-Marche E.

    J Hepatol. | (2010);53(1):25-35.

  • Outcomes in women with a history of gestational diabetes. Screening and prevention of type 2 diabetes. Literature review.

    Verier-Mine O.

    Diabetes Metab. | (2010);36(6 Pt 2):595-616

  • Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for severe influenza A (H1N1) acute respiratory distress syndrome: a prospective observational comparative study.

    Roch A, Lepaul-Ercole R, Grisoli D, Bessereau J, Brissy O, Castanier M, Dizier S, Forel JM, Guervilly C, Gariboldi V, Collart F, Michelet P, Perrin G, Charrel R, Papazian L.

    Intensive Care Med. | (2010);36(11):1899-905.

  • Unraveling the distinct distributions of VE- and N-cadherins in endothelial cells: a key role for p120-catenin.

    Gentil-dit-Maurin A, Oun S, Almagro S, Bouillot S, Courçon M, Linnepe R, Vestweber D, Huber P, Tillet E.

    Exp Cell Res. | (2010);316(16):2587-99.

  • Iron sulfur clusters in "Radical SAM" enzymes: spectroscopy and coordination.

    Gambarelli S, Mulliez E, Fontecave M.

    Biol. Magnetic Resonance. (review). | (2010);29(1):53-82

  • Case Scenario: Management of Postesophagectomy Respiratory Failure with Noninvasive Ventilation

    Michelet P, Blayac D, Jaber S.

    Anesthesiology | (2010);113(2):454-61.

  • Transcription pour sous-titrage de vidéos de conférences biomédicales. // Transcription for sub-titling of videos of biomedical conferences.


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  • Transcriptions dans le cadre de la recherche médicale, les évaluations de médicaments et des conférences scientifiques. // Transcription for medical research, drug assessment and scientific conferences.


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