New software to model energy dispersive X-ray diffraction in polycrystalline materials
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A. | (2012); 664(1):324-31.
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New software to model energy dispersive X-ray diffraction in polycrystalline materials
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A. | (2012); 664(1):324-31.
Determination of the real effect of genes identified in GWAS: the example of IL2RA in multiple sclerosis
Eur J Hum Genet. | (2012); 20(3): 321–325
The allelopathic effects of Festuca paniculata depend on competition in subalpine grasslands.
Plant Ecol | (2012) 213:1963–1973
Reduction of occupational exposure to dust during cathode ray tube screen dismantling
Conference: Ventilation 2012, Paris | 37
Lecture à haute voix d'articles scientifiques pour un travailleur malvoyant // Reading aloud of scientific articles for a researcher with a visual impairment
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Transcription pour sous-titrage de vidéos de conférences biomédicales. // Transcription for sub-titling of videos of biomedical conferences.
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Appels à projets post doc Labex MemoLife // Calls for applications for post-doctoral positions for the MemoLife Labex (ENS, Paris)
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Livret d’accueil pour chercheurs étrangers // Handbook for foreign scientists (ENS Paris)
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Rapport Labex MemoLife // Report on the MemoLife Labex (ENS, Paris)
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WADA application Development of a PSAQ-SRM assay to detect and quantify growth hormone (GH) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1). Virginie Brun (EDyP, UMR_S 1038 Inserm/CEA/UJF)
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Nithiolate ANR project (UJF/INSERM/CNRS/CEA)
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Site web Santécrea // Web content Santécrea
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Advances in the Biology, Imaging and Therapies for Glioblastoma | Ed. Clark C. Chen
A hybrid model to study pathological mutations of the human ADP/ATP carriers.
Biochimie. | (2011);93(9):1415-23.
Production and use of stable isotope-labeled proteins for absolute quantitative proteomics.
Methods Mol Biol. | (2011);753:93-115.
Heterologous expression of membrane proteins: choosing the appropriate host
PLoS One | (2011);6(12):e29191
Multidimensional Data Processing Methods for Material Discrimination Using an Ideal X-Ray Spectrometric Photon Counting Detector
IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science | (2011);58(6):3190-203
Ab initio study of hydrogen related defect in ZrO2: Consequences on dry and aqueous oxidation.
Journal of nuclear materials. | (2011);416(3):362-368
RhoA GTPase regulates radiation-induced alterations in endothelial cell adhesion and migration.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. | (2011);414(4):750-5
Optimization of a parallel hole collimator/CdZnTe gamma-camera architecture for scintimammography.
Med Phys. | (2011);38(4):1806-19.
Association of TALS developmental disorder with defect in minor splicing component U4atac snRNA.
Science. | (2011);332(6026):240-3.
Yeast ADP/ATP carrier isoform 2: conformational dynamics and role of the RRRMMM signature sequence methionines.
J Biol Chem. | (2011);286(41):36119-31.
4-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase catalysis: identification of catalytic residues and production of a hydroxylated intermediate shared with a structurally unrelated enzyme.
J Biol Chem. | (2011);286(29):26061-70
Impact of noise or styrene exposure on the kinetics of presbycusis.
Hear Res. | (2011);280(1-2):122-32.
Biosensor for direct cell detection, quantification and analysis.
Biosens Bioelectron. | (2011);26(10):4162-8