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There are currently 597 documents in database. Please refine your search using filters below.

  • Phenotype and toxicity of the recently discovered exlA-positive Pseudomonas aeruginosa strains collected worldwide

    Reboud E, Elsen S, Bouillot S, Golovkine G, Basso P, Jeannot K, Attrée I, Huber P

    Environ Microbiol. | 18(10):3425-3439. doi: 10.1111/1462-2920.13262

  • Effects of mouse slant and desktop position on muscular and postural stresses, subject preference and performance in women aged 18-40 years

    Gaudez C, Cail F.

    Ergonomics. | 59(11):1473-1486

  • Better Efficacy of Synchrotron Spatially Microfractionated Radiation Therapy Than Uniform Radiation Therapy on Glioma

    Bouchet A, Bräuer-Krisch E, Prezado Y, El Atifi M, Rogalev L, Le Clec'h C, Laissue JA, Pelletier L, Le Duc G.

    Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys | (2016);95(5):1485-94

  • Simultaneous resolution of the micromagnetic and spin transport equations applied to current-induced domain wall dynamics

    M. Sturma, C. Bellegarde, J.-C. Toussaint, and D. Gusakova

    Phys. Rev. B | (2016);94:104405

  • Histone Deacetylases and Their Inhibition in Candida Species.

    Garnaud C, Champleboux M, Maubon D, Cornet M, Govin J.

    Front Microbiol. | (2016);7:1238.

  • HF radiofrequency exposure partially restores the dynamics of model membranes containing carbon nanotubes

    G. Nugue, S. Dekali, F. Bourbon, L. Selek, A. Laisné, J. C. Debouzy and D. Crouzier

    RSC Adv. | (2016);6:86862-86871

  • A nonlinear-elastic constitutive model for soft connective tissue based on a histologic description: Application to female pelvic soft tissue.

    Brieu M, Chantereau P, Gillibert J, de Landsheere L, Lecomte P, Cosson M

    J Mech Behav Biomed Mater. | (2016);58:65-74

  • Intrinsic movement variability at work. How long is the path from motor control to design engineering.

    C. Gaudez, M.A. Gilles, J. Savin.

    Applied Ergonomics | (2016);53(A):71–78

  • Physical performances and kinetics of evaporation of the CIP 10-M personal sampler's rotating cup containing aqueous or viscous collection fluid

    Xavier SIMON, Sébastien BAU, Alexis BOIVIN, Philippe DUQUENNE, Olivier WITSCHGER, Peter GÖRNER

    Aerosol Science and Technology | (2016);50(5):507-20

  • Enhanced Endurance Performance by Periodization of CHO Intake: "Sleep Low" Strategy.

    Marquet LA, Brisswalter J, Louis J, Tiollier E, Burke LM, Hawley JA, Hausswirth C.

    Med Sci Sports Exerc. | (2016);48(4):663-72

  • Systematic comparative content analysis of 17 psychosocial work environment questionnaires using a new taxonomy.

    Kop JL, Althaus V, Formet-Robert N, Grosjean V.

    Int J Occup Environ Health. | (2016);22(2):128-41

  • BIOBRAD Study: The Search for Biomarkers of Bradykinin-Mediated Angio-Oedema Attacks

    Deroux A, Dumestre-Perard C, Khalil-Mgharbel A, Maignan M, Boccon-Gibod I, Fevre MC, Vilgrain I, Bouillet L.

    Int Arch Allergy Immunol. | (2016);170(2):108-14

  • Multicriteria selection of uncorrelated variables for modeling

    Aurélie Beal, Magalie Claeys-Bruno, Michelle Sergent

    Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems | (2016);157:162–168

  • Remote diffuse ultrasound monitoring of stress and damage development on a 15-ton concrete beam

    Zhang, Y., Planès, T., Larose, E., Obermann, A., Rospars, C., Moreau, G

    J. Acoust. Soc. Am. | (2016);139(4):1691-1701

  • Predicting the lifetime of organic vapor cartridges exposed to volatile organic compound mixtures using a partial differential equations model

    Vuong F, Chauveau R, Grevillot G, Marsteau S, Silvente E, Vallieres C

    J Occup Environ Hyg. | (2016);13(9):675-89

  • Beryllium solubility in occupational airborne particles: sequential extraction procedure and workplace application.

    Davy R, Thibaut D.

    J Occup Environ Hyg. | (2016);13(1):71-83.

  • Pseudomonas aeruginosa Transmigrates at Epithelial Cell-Cell Junctions, Exploiting Sites of Cell Division and Senescent Cell Extrusion

    Golovkine G, Faudry E, Bouillot S, Elsen S, Attrée I, Huber P

    PLoS Pathog. | (2016);12(1):e1005377

  • Analysis of activity and emotions: a case study based investigation of an evolving method

    Corinne Ribert-Van De Weerdt, René Baratta

    Le travail humain | (2016);1(79):31-52

  • Tumor-derived circulating endothelial cell clusters in colorectal cancer.

    Cima I, Kong SL, Sengupta D, Tan IB, Phyo WM, Lee D, Hu M, Iliescu C, Alexander I, Goh WL, Rahmani M, Suhaimi NA, Vo JH, Tai JA, Tan JH, Chua C, Ten R, Lim WJ, Chew MH, Hauser CA, van Dam RM, Lim WY, Prabhakar S, Lim B, Koh PK, Robson P, Ying JY, Hillmer AM, Tan MH

    Sci Transl Med | (2016); 8(345): 345ra89

  • Lecture à haute voix d'articles scientifiques pour un travailleur malvoyant // Reading aloud of scientific articles for a researcher with a visual impairment


    none | none

  • Transcription dans le cadre de recherche en management // Transcription as part of research in management


    none | none

  • Présentations commerciales saisonnières pour GoSport // Seasonal commercial presentations for GoSport


    none | none

  • Training in writing scientific articles (Dec 2015) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques (déc 2015)



  • Training in writing scientific articles (May 2015) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques (mai 2015)



  • Training in writing scientific articles (Mar 2015) // Formation rédaction articles scientifiques (mar 2015)

