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  • Site web société Amoéba // Web content Amoéba (


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  • How do operations managers faced with the challenges linked to ageing rationalise their choices in a difficult economic context?

    Salmon I

    EGOS - European Group for Organizational Studies » 2015 Athens | Subtheme 39

  • Angioedema triggered by medication blocking the renin/angiotensin system: retrospective study using the French national pharmacovigilance database.

    C. Faisant , L. Bouillet , I. Boccon Gibod.

    EAACI Online Library. | (2015);Jun 9:98298

  • Influence of water dilution on percutaneous absorption of N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone in vivo and ex vivo in rats and ex vivo in humans.

    Marquet F, Payan JP, Beydon D, Wathier L, Ferrari E, Grandclaude MC.

    Arch Toxicol. | (2015);89(11):2007-14

  • Measurement of ketamine and xylazine in rat brain by liquid-liquid extraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry.

    Bonfanti E, Cosnier F, Wathier L, Campo P.

    J Pharmacol Toxicol Methods. | (2015);77:6-9.

  • Time-resolved TOF MR angiography in mice using a prospective 3D radial double golden angle approach.

    Trotier AJ, Lefrançois W, Ribot EJ, Thiaudiere E, Franconi JM, Miraux S.

    Magn Reson Med. | (2015);73(3):984-94.

  • Absolute and multiplex quantification of antibodies in serum using PSAQ™ standards and LC-MS/MS

    Lebert D, Picard G, Beau-Larvor C, Troncy L, Lacheny C, Maynadier B, Low W, Mouz N, Brun V, Klinguer-Hamour C, Jaquinod M, Beck A.

    Bioanalysis. | (2015);7(10):1237-51.

  • Hepatitis E and neuralgic amyotrophy: Five cases and review of literature.

    Dartevel A, Colombe B, Bosseray A, Larrat S, Sarrot-Reynauld F, Belbezier A, Lagrange E, Bouillet L.

    J Clin Virol. | (2015);69:156-64.

  • Neutral particle mass spectrometry with nanomechanical systems.

    Eric Sage, Ariel Brenac, Thomas Alava, Robert Morel, Cécilia Dupré, Mehmet Selim Hanay, Michael L. Roukes, Laurent Duraffourg, Christophe Masselon & Sébastien Hentz.

    Nature Communications | (2015);6:Article number: 6482

  • Occupational exposure to chrome VI compounds in French companies: results of a national campaign to measure exposure (2010-2013).

    Vincent R, Gillet M, Goutet P, Guichard C, Hédouin-Langlet C, Frocaut AM, Lambert P, Leray F, Mardelle P, Dorotte M, Rousset D.

    Ann Occup Hyg. | (2015);59(1):41-51.

  • Dual Activity of Quinolinate Synthase: Triose Phosphate Isomerase and Dehydration Activities Play Together To Form Quinolinate

    Debora Reichmann, Yohann Couté, and Sandrine Ollagnier de Choudens

    Biochemistry | (2015);54(42):6443–6446

  • Workplace Nitrous Oxide Sampling: Alternative Adsorbents.

    Marianne Guillemot and Blandine Castel.

    Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. | (2015);54(32):7760–7765

  • On the Importance of Density in ELPI Data Post-Treatment

    Augustin Charvet, Sébastien Bau, Denis Bémer, Dominique Thomas

    Aerosol Science and Technology | (2015);49(12):1263-1270

  • The tonotopicity of styrene-induced hearing loss depends on the associated noise spectrum.

    Venet T, Campo P, Thomas A, Cour C, Rieger B, Cosnier F.

    Neurotoxicol Teratol. | (2015);48:56-63.

  • A self-scalable load injection service.

    Alain Tchana, Noel De Palma, Bruno Dillenseger, Xavier Etchevers.

    Softw., Pract. Exper. | (2015);45(5):613-632

  • Self-gated bSSFP sequences to detect iron-labeled cancer cells and/or metastases in vivo in mouse liver at 7 Tesla.

    Ribot EJ, Duriez TJ, Trotier AJ, Thiaudiere E, Franconi JM, Miraux S.

    J Magn Reson Imaging. | (2015);41(5):1413-21.

  • Alterations in Body Fluid Balance During Fin Swimming in 29 °C Water in a Population of Special Forces Divers

    Castagna O, Desruelle AV, Blatteau JE, Schmid B, Dumoulin G, Regnard J.

    Int J Sports Med. | (2015);36(14):1125-33


    Vinay NP, Bobrie G, Ruelland A, Oufkir M, Savard S, Persu A, Katsahian S, Plouin PF.

    J Hypertens. | (2015);33 Suppl 1:e127.

  • Towards a specific marker for acute bradykinin-mediated angioedema attacks: a literature review.

    Deroux A, Vilgrain I, Dumestre-Pérard C, Boccon-Gibod I, Bouillet L.

    Eur J Dermatol. | (2015);25(4):290-5.

  • Efficiency and safety of a noninvasive therapeutic hypothermia protocol in cardiac arrest.

    de Bourmont S, Demory D, Durand-Gasselin J, Donati SY, Arnal JM, Corno G, Michelet P.

    Eur J Emerg Med. | (2015);22(1):29-34.

  • Soluble vascular endothelial-cadherin and auto-antibodies to human vascular endothelial-cadherin in human diseases: Two new biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction.

    Blaise S, Polena H, Vilgrain I.

    Vasc Med. | (2015);20(6): 557-565

  • Single-Dose Anti-CD138 Radioimmunotherapy: Bismuth-213 is More Efficient than Lutetium-177 for Treatment of Multiple Myeloma in a Preclinical Model.

    Fichou N, Gouard S, Maurel C, Barbet J, Ferrer L, Morgenstern A, Bruchertseifer F, Faivre-Chauvet A, Bigot-Corbel E, Davodeau F, Gaschet J, Chérel M

    Front Med (Lausanne). | (2015);2:76

  • Acute myeloid leukemia transcription profile based on natural killer cell status at diagnosis correlates with clinical outcome (TUM10P.1047).

    Antoine Toubert, Zena Khaznadar, Nicolas Boissel, Sophie Agaugue, Guylaine Henry, Meyling Cheok, Marguerite Vignon, Daniela Geromin, Jean Michel Cayuela, Joel Lachuer, Claude Preudhomme, Herve Dombret and Nicolas Dulphy.

    Journal of Immunology | (2015);194 (1 Supplement):211.28

  • Assembly of Fe/S proteins in bacterial systems: Biochemistry of the bacterial ISC system.

    B. Blanc, C. Gerez, S. Ollagnier de Choudens.

    Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Molecular Cell Research | (2015);1853(6):1436–1447

  • Measurement of electrical charges carried by airborne bacteria laboratory-generated using a single-pass bubbling aerosolizer.

    Xavier Simon, Sébastien Bau, Denis Bémer, Philippe Duquenne.

    Particuology | (2015);18:179–185